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In Memory

Roger Randall Anderson

Roger Randall Anderson

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01/04/09 10:29 PM #1    

Fred Bay

I first met Roger around my 10th birthday in 1951. I remember this date because on my birthday his father served me a free lunch at their diner "Anderson's Diner" on Greene Street. Roger then lived on Second Street and he and I became very good friends. During the summer we would play all sports with Larry Warren, John Steadman and Jim Sorensen, all of whom lived near Roger's house. Every Saturday we were off to the movies which was usually a serial short subject and two "B" westerns.

Life and things were very simple back then.

As we neared high school out interests went in separate directions but we still remained good friends. After high school we lost touch with each other until we again reconnected at the 30th class reunion.

When I learned of Roger's passing, I was very saddened and on one visit to Marietta, I saw Roger's parents and could see the heavy grief they were suffering. It is the very least that I can do to say "Roger we haven't forgotten you."

May God bless you and your family.


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