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Sandra Adams (McVicar)
Roger Randall Anderson
Paul Badgley
Phyliss Bailey (Lowery)
Sara Bailey (Waters)
Rita Baker (Theis)
Sam Baker
Sandra Baker (Casto)
Ted Barnes
Fred Bay
Margaret Beaver (Birmingham)
Sandra Beck (Bodmer)
Dorothy Becker (Mossor)
Gary Becker
Janet Becker (Brooker)
Julia Becker (Sauve)
Gale Berg
Neil Berg
Janet Biehl (Swaney)
John Biehl
Vivian Blair (Hammat)
Norman Blauser
Byron Bolin
Elizabeth Ann Bonnette (Husarik)
Beverly Bowling (Tanner)
Linda Bradford (Young)
Barbara Brandys (Zaras)
James Briggs
Melbourne Briscoe
Karen Brockmeier (Watson)
Thomas Broedel
Horace Bronson
Larry Brown
Linda Brown (Dailey)
Peggy Burdette (Stacy)
Bob Burton (Burton)
Bob Burton
Peggy Busch (Patterson)
Lora Butts (Wilson)
Barbara Cassidy (David Huck)
Bonita Casto (Schafer)
Mary (Joan) Christie (Gerhart)
Beverly Cisler (Oliver)
Lola Clatterbuck
Sonya Clegg (McWilliams)
Judith Corbett (Cassidy)
Beverly Corder
Marilyn Covell (Wheeler)
Martha Cross (Jeffers)
Patsy Curry (Cunningham)
Jo Davis (Miller)
Raymond Davis
William Davis
Thomas Dearth
Charlotte Decker (Engle)
Norma Dimit (Roe)
Martha Doak (Mays)
Bill Douthitt
Carl Duckworth
Donna Duty (Lamp)
David Duvall
Barbara Dye (Morse)
Delbert Dye
Barbara Edwards (Plaugher)
Linda Engle (Lackore)
Carole Fagg (Lodej)
Nancy Fox (Dailey)
James Freese
Nancy Fulmer (Burton)
Leo Gandor
Melissa Gerhart (Kirk)
John H. Gerken
Ellen Giffen (Neal)
Cecil Gossett
Norma Grub (Moore)
Donna Guckert (Anderson)
Linda Guiler (Guiler)
Janet Hackenson
Michael Hadley
Marilyn Hallock
Martha Hamilton (Kaufman)
Madeline Hanna (Hill)
John Stephen (Steve) Hardy
Judith Harris (Wagner)
Larry Harris
Timothy Harris
Bessie Hart (Schofield)
Robert Hasley
Larry Hawkins
Sherry Hendricks (Sholl)
David Henthorn
Bill Hess
Jerry Hess
Danny Hill
James Hock
Roger Hock
Helen Hoon (Neuberger)
Susan Horvath
Charlotte Howell (Binegar)
Forrest Huff
Lawrence Hurst
Larry Hutchinson
John Hyde
Julia Hyde (White)
Sandra Ingraham (Webster)
Norma Jackson (Rodenbaugh)
William Jacoby
Joan Jennrich (Neville)
Judith Johnson (Royalty)
Lela Joyce Johnson (Miller)
Sheila Johnson (Lankford)
Betty Jones (Kinzer)
Lola Jones (Tebay)
Myra Jordan (Wolverton)
Kenneth Kapple
Judith Kendall
Mary Kidd (Russell)
Barbara Kile (Dennis)
Linda Klintworth (Hall)
Larry Knoch
Jerrie Lancaster (Green)
Faith Lane (Hannan)
Monnah Layton (Bennett)
Saundra Lemley
Robert Lovett
Holger Luther
Vanita Masters
Mike McCammon
Carole McCullough (Haines)
Mary McKnight (Mossor)
Michael McMahon
Wayne Mellor
Gary Messick
Denver Miller
Larry Miller
Martha Mills (Mills)
Darlene Millslagle (Matthews)
Charles Mooney
Chester Moore
Connie Moore (Prescher)
Jon Meta Moorefield (Thomas)
Ellen Morris (Betts)
William Morse
Janet Newlon (Jeffers)
Charlene Nieb (Eredics)
Laura Nuzum (Ferrell)
David Offenberger
Donald Padgitt
Carolyn Parker (Dugan)
Charles Robert (Bob) Parker
Jerry Patterson
Louis Patterson
Linda Pfeiffer (Coxford)
Beverly Phelps (Sarapin)
Gary Phillips
Robert Pindar
Brenda Plaugher (Palmer)
Lynn Porter (Antill)
Patricia R. (McClure)
Patricia R. (McClure)
Francia Rake (Engle)
Josephine Randolph (Moore)
Mary Reeder (Wear)
John Remley
William Rice
Irene Richards (McKimm)
Patricia Richards (McClure)
Ann Richardson
Thomas Riddle
Jim Ritchey (Ritchey)
Winifred Ritchie (Kramer)
Karen Ritzert (Wynn)
Gary Roberts
Janet Robinson (Boice)
Jerry Roush
Patsy Roush (Hupp)
Roger Saffell
Judith Sauer (Eber)
Judith Sawyer (Deeds)
Marjorie Schrader (Miller)
Joyce Schultheis (Garrison)
Larry Schwendeman
Gail Sherman (Desch)
Ann Skidmore (Rose)
Terry Sloan
Anne Smith (Frank)
Donald Smith
Susan Smith (Mayfield)
James Sorensen
Jean-Clare Southwick (Adopt…
William Sparks
Paul Spies
John Stacy
Jerald Starkey
John Steadman
Beth Stehle (Miller)
Richard Stevens
Garry Stewart
James Stewart
Judith Stewart (Deering)
Patricia Stukins
Jules Sturbois
Fred Sullivan
Barry Swaney
Irma Swartz (McCoy)
Dixe Szollosi (Brown)
Jessica Talbot (Watson)
Edmund Tedeschi (Ed Tedeschi)
David Theis
Robert Theobald
Robert Thomas
Franklin Tucker (Wife Viola)
Carolyn Ullman (Fenton)
Jacklyn Ullman (Conrath)
Gary VanWey
Karen VanWey (Lemley)
Bill Vernon
Fred Voshel
Esther Walp (Steffens)
Ruth Walters (Sharrer)
Shirley Ward (Lang)
Gary Warne
Larry Warren
Vickie Watson (Boyce)
Carol Waxler (Tucker)
Roy Webster
Sandra Webster (Brown)
Nancy Whittington (Remmele)
Janet Willison (O'Brien)
Edwin (Ed) Wilson
Tom Wilson
Dean Witham
Iris Wright (Anderson)
Iris Wright (Anderson)
Iris Wright (Anderson)
Toby Wright (Chute)
David Zoller
Guest Members
Susan (Ellis)
Roger Adams ('60)
Wanda Adams (Schmidt '60)
Janet Alden (Heldman '60)
Bill Baker ('60)
David Baker
Tom Baker ('60)
Sandy Barth ('58)
Doug Bay
Jeff Bay
Judy Bay (Spolum)
Patricia Becker ('60)
Annette Benford (Mangold '60)
Barbara Biehl
Garry Bonnette (60)
Deanna Bowen (Files '60)
David Boyd ('60)
Gail Brammer ('60)
Barbara Brewer ('60)
Robert Brittigan ('60)
Karen Brown (Robinson '60)
Chuck Burfield ('60)
Larry Burfield
Marlene Burkhart ('60)
Bob Burton ('58)
K Byran ('60)
Linda Casto ('60)
Frank Christie ('60)
Marilyn Cisler (Yost '60)
Sharon Clift ('60)
Harold Cranston ('60)
Ellen Crecelius (Schlachter…)
Ed Crumbley ('60)
Beverly Darnell (Hess '60)
Roberta Jean Davis (Baker '60)
Donna Day ('60)
Sandra Demmon (Maher '60)
Judy Dennis (Connery '61)
Michael Dickinson
Rosalind Drum ('60)
Ed Dutton ('58)
Marion Dye (Rush '60)
Ed Engle
Aaron Farley ('60)
Fred Farley
Joyce Farley ('60)
Max Farley
Tom Fenton ('60)
George Fiorenzo ('60)
Patricia Flowers (Ice '60)
Mary Floyd (Whiteside)
Thomas W Forbes ('60)
Judy Forbis ('60)
John Freeman
Kathy Friedlander (Kahsar)
Fred Gall ('60)
Sue Garnetta (Congleton Davis '60)
Neil Gregory
Joe Grimm ('62) (Grimm)
Carolyn Gruber (Wandstrat '60)
Jack Hackenson ('60)
Linda Hall (Thomas)
Jennifer Hardie ('61)
Bob Harold ('60)
Ron Harris ('60)
Sandra Hartline ('60)
Linda Hasley (Martin)
J. B. Hay ('60)
Sandra Hayes ('58 Hines)
Ann Henderhan (Mayer '60)
Ben Hendershot
Larry Henderson
Carolyn Hodge (Kuhn '60)
Tom Horvath ('60)
Nancy Bibb Hoye (Mufti '60)
Nellie Hufford (Ruby '60)
John Huston ('60)
Larry And Pat Ice (Flowers)
Shirley Ingram ('60)
Charles Ingram ('60)
Bill Jahn ('60)
Linda Jett ('60)
Donna Jones (Fuller)
Madelyn Jones (Wagner '60)
Don Jordan ('61)
Ted Kegley ('60)
Judith Knotts (60)
Kay Lane (Caltrider '58)
James M. (Mickey) Lee
Linda LePage (Kelly '62)
Doug Lindamood ('60)
Bruce Lowrey ('60)
Donna Mallet (Rowley '60)
Lynne Markley (Groves)
Judy Marple (Burkhart)
Kay Matthews (Warden '58)
Carolyn Etta McCauley (Conner '60)
Patricia McCauley (Carleton)
Charlotte McCracken ('60)
Jon McCurdy ('60)
Peter McDermott ('60)
Sandra McElfresh (Groves '60)
Gary McFadden ('60)
Bill Mellor ('60)
Dennis Miller ('60)
Linda Miller (Murphy '60)
Chuck Mills
Jill Mills ('58) (Simoncelli)
Lawrence Stephen Miner
Susan Miner (McGuire '60)
Barbara Mooney (Ritchie '60)
Maxine Morgan ('60)
Linda Morris ('60)
Patrick Murphy ('60)
Matt Newman
Sandra Nicholson
John C. Northrup ('60)
Mimi Otto (Holley)
Kristal Owens (Bay)
Clyde Oyster (58)
Norm Pape ('58)
Patricia Parker (Dehnart '60)
Susie Patterson (Fouss '60)
John Penrose ('60)
Patsy Perdew (Winters '60)
Loretta Pettry (Wilson '60)
James Poole ('60)
Kay Porter (Rowekamp '58)
Tom Porter
Jenifer Rake (Caltrider)
Mary Jo Rataliff (Bryan)
Mary Ratliff (Bryan '60)
Marjorie Ray (Bucy '60)
Lance Raybould ('60)
Larry Remmele ('60)
Harry Reynolds ('60)
Jose' Ripol ('60)
Jim Ritchey ('60)
Robert Ritchey (Ritchey)
Judy Rolls ('60)
Carolina Sue Rosenbusch (Hamilton '60)
Tim Rosenbusch
Joanna Meade Ross (Hoftijzer '60)
Judy Satchwil (Bay)
Sandy Schramm (Bateman '60)
Doug Seeley ('60)
Kathryn Shaw (Pettit '60)
Bart Simon ('60)
Larry Slack ('60)
Stephen Smith ('60)
John Sorenson ('61)
Dick Spindler
Donna Spindler (Burnham '60)
James Nelson Spindler ('60)
Judy Sprague (Becker)
Ray Sprague ('60)
Raymond Sprague, Jr. ('60)
Patty St. Vincent (Giesecke)
Vivian Starling ('60)
Marie Stephens (Jaycox '62)
Connie Stewart (Dauksch)
Norma Strahler (Schultheis '60)
Dave Summerville '60
Bonnie Thompson (Beard '60)
Carole Thompson (Henry)
Kelsey Thrasher (60)
Barbara Vaughn (Williams)
James E. Vroom ('60)
Diane Wagner (Elliott '58)
Faye Wagner ('60)
Robert Wagner
William Lee Wagner ('60)
Mary Walp (Stripling)
Robert Warden ('60)
Robert Mattern Wark ('60)
Gary Wegmiller '58
Jeff Weihl ('60)
Jon Weisend ('60)
Linda West (Laird '60)
Bill Wigton ('60)
Bruce Williams ('60)
Harriet Williams ('60)
Jim Williams ('60)
Rosemary Williams ('60)
Bruce Williamson ('58)
T. J. Wilson
Arnold Wince ('60)
Janet Woeste (Woeste)
Joseph Wolf
Esther Yablock ('60)
Marilyn Yost
Jim Young ('60)
Darlene Zinn (Almond)
Darlene Zollar ('60)
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