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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 164
     Profile contains photos: 40
     In Memory: 169
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 105
     Military Service: 75
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 164    Newest Members: 163    Latest Comments: 113  

Paul Badgley    
Ted Barnes    
Fred Bay   
Gale Berg   
Neil Berg   
John Biehl     
Larry Brown    
Bill Douthitt    
Bill Hess    
Jerry Hess   
Roger Hock    
John Hyde    
Robert Lovett    
Mike McCammon    
Chester Moore    
William Morse    
William Rice    
Gary Roberts     
Jerry Roush    
Terry Sloan    
Paul Spies   
John Stacy    
Fred Sullivan     
Bill Vernon    
Gary Warne    
Larry Warren    
Tom Wilson   

Guest Members

Max Farley   
Matt Newman    
T. J. Wilson    

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